Thursday, January 21, 2010

1st Day of Graduate Class

"Technology is having a huge impact on Education!" - Everyone is saying it!
In 2000, (He was in his 30's) Beloved did night classes for his Undergrade at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. It was the typical brick and mortar set up where you go to a class and listen to lectures, group projects, and reports, etc.

Ten years later, he is doing a Graduate level class from ERAU. (Embry Riddle) This time though, he sets up his computer and web camera during the specified lecture time while he hangs out in a corner of our bedroom. (He would do it in his office but the kids would be climbing all over him) It is here, that he listens to his Professors lectures as she flips through slides, all the while talking to class mates not just through a chat room but through the audio/visual camera, and it is where he sends his assignments through a blackboard email site. Very cool, huh?

A Picture of Beloved on his first Day of starting his Graduate Program.

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