Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Future Dutch Oven Cooker

"Mountainmen of the early 1800s used Dutch ovens in their base camps and it was a popular trade good at their rendezvous." - A Brief History of the Dutch Oven

It is all CAST IRON COOKING on Charcoals while camping!

The "CHUCK WAGON" Style!

Everyone in this Family will know how to Dutch Oven Cook!

We start them off learning young!


  1. You must teach me..!! now that we have a camper and plan to camp from TN to RI then from RI to Alaska!! I have never cooked in a dutch oven and would love to learn!

    I must come visit! :)

  2. Carolyn, Come over!

    I'll get Beloved to make you some Dutch Oven Cobbler! What flavor? Blueberry? Peach?


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