Friday, August 13, 2010

Pillow Cases

"Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember.
Involve me and I understand."
~Chinese Teaching Proverb

The 2 older Children wanted to do a sewing project. So, I brought out the pillowcase kits. The paper instructions were not clear. Well, they probably were clear, just not to me. I have several things working against me.
1) I am a visual learner.
2) I don't really know how to sew well.
3) I am teaching Children as I learn.
So, I had to do something. With computer in hand, I found a "Do It Yourself" clip off of youtube.

Praise God for those Ladies that love to share their knowledge to us novice sewers!

So, while I prepared the sewing materials, I had the Little Ones review it too.

Here is the "DIY" video clip.

(If you are truly interested in the clip, go down to the bottom of my blog page and hit pause on my blog music. This will allow you to hear ONLY the clip.)

The process....

"Wow!" It actually worked.

The Little Man likes to do the pedal when sewing.

I help sew the straight lines.

The Little Lady likes to do everything on her own with just basic help.


And, I bet you didn't know that the Little Man smiles in his sleep.


  1. Love the quote you chose to open with. Great job Momma! Those look wonderful! Good job kiddos! Keep up the projecting and have fun with those pillowcases! Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  2. I too, love the quote you used. So cute to see the Little Man smiling in his sleep ;) Great job Carmen! I pulled out my machine to start some new quilts for the babies I'll be getting soon - only my machine needs to be servied I think. A little dusty!


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