Monday, August 30, 2010

Independence Mall Reinactors

The Independence Mall in the Visitor Center in "Old City" of Philadelphia. - IM facts

Independence National Park in Pennsylvania

Beloved drove us to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania last week. We were able to spend half a day there. Oh, how we wish we had more time there. One of the first thing we did was walk around Independence Mall. This unique visitor center had reinactors up and down the long hallway.

This Man was playing beautiful music.

This guy was teaching everyone the symbol of the Patriots.
The Children wrote their name in a "pen" and ink.
(The pen was a stick and the ink was in a jar)

                         This Lady told us a story about how she came to our Country back in the early 1700's.

She talked about how they made German toys from wood.

She had very cute wooden dolls.

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