Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lesson In Canals

The National Canal Museum is the only museum in the country dedicated to telling the story of America’s historic towpath canals. The museum features four galleries filled with hands-on exhibits that educate and entertain parents and children alike. - The National Canal Museum

Last week, we went to the National Canal Museum, in Pennsylvania 
The Little Ones learned how boats go through canals.

At the waterworks area they loaded up cargo and took their boats on a journey down a 90-foot long model canal featuring locks and incline planes.

The boys really enjoyed these types of Hands On learning activities.

However, with these type of learning activities, Mommy always gets a lesson on going with the flow.

The Little Gentleman ended up having a shirt that was soaked!


  1. You are having way to much fun!! Quit it. Or at least quit having so much fun without us!!

  2. The hands on stuff looks GREAT! I should get your artinarary for this looks like a VERY family friendly one. I really like seeing where you all have been. Thanks so much for sharing with all of us. Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!


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