Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Tea

"A Little's always tea-time... "
-Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

The Little Lady wanted to have tea time during our Christmas Season. So we did!
But, never mind the coffee cups. It was impromptu and I didn't have my silver tea set polished!


  1. Love it!! There is always time for Tea!!

    Don't mind all the perusing I did on the xanga blog...:D I was looking for the post about the resort in TN, Tim and I were looking into heading up there and having fun in the snow!! I did find it though :D

  2. That looks like a beautifully set tea table! Aren't tea parties with daughters fun?!

  3. Oh how we love tea parties! looks like lots of fun!!! Have a great week.

  4. A tea party - what a capital idea!

  5. Melissa, I wouldn't have noticed! lol. You will enjoy it there. We were supposed to go this month but we have a business trip that conflicted with the event.

  6. What a special treat! Who cares if you used the coffee cups? it was that special moment in time that counts. My girl and I have had many tea parties and still do.

  7. Enjoyed the tea and the hats were an added touch. Too fun.


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