Monday, February 14, 2011

In Love With A Mystery Part 7

I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine" - Song of Solomon 6:3

Now, several weeks later, on a Wed night there was an announcement that was unofficially made to me! Now, this announcement was of a particular interesting detail.

And, how it came to me, I am choosing not to say, but you should still know that except for the one question to my girly friend, I had never asked anyone questions about the Mystery Man. EVER!

Now for those of you who are lurking and know a good bit of this story, you will never figure out who told me so let’s just remind everyone that unlike the Mystery Man who went into the Youth Service to help the Ministry Team, I went into a College/Career class. So, it could be most anybody! And, at this time you should assume so.

The rumor was that apparently on a Church shopping trip, another redhead in the church announced to a few Ladies that she was engaged to the Mystery guy.

Now, to this day, I still have no idea if this actually happened or if it is true. But, since this is my story I am sticking to what I wrote in my journal.

What I can say is that apparently there was a shopping trip. The Mystery Man’s friend, “the other redhead” was on that shopping trip. And, so were some of the Ladies who had it in their minds that hooking the mystery guy and me up was a grand idea.

Regardless of the information being true or not, the information did make an impact on me.
I thought it was humorous.

I remember thinking that the Pianist along with the few other ladies who also jumped aboard this scheme was unaware of the inner workings of the Mystery Guy and "the other redheads" relationship.

And, so I thought, “Oh, their little mismatching good Christian medaling was all for nothing!”

How funny that those match makers didn’t have all their information when it came to who is dating whom!

It cracked me up because I was sure my Momma’s Pianist Friend was slipping in her craft!

For days afterwards, I was so thankful that I didn’t run after this guy. Imagine the embarrassment if I had. It could have caused a lot of ruckus due to those match makers. I was so blessed that I had determined to allow God to bring me a guy without much effort out of me! So, I cannot tell you how relived I was and how thankful I was that my reputation had not been twisted into a mess.

It was the next church service, a Sunday Morning, that lady in the Church said, “Often People want things to be true that aren’t, Carmen. And, there are several of us that really want you to get to know this guy.”

I didn’t have time to ask any questions since service had begun. I had tried to track her down but she had slipped out early with her Family. I wondered if she was talking about the engagement rumor. I also had wondered how she heard. I didn’t know her very well so I wondered also why all these people though that they could come up and tell me things as if they were the pep club cheering behind the cheerleader!

Now, you must know I am not dumb. I am extremely observant but as my Parents say sometimes my perception might just be slightly off. However, I disagree, more often than not nothing gets past me. And so, I have often made this my slogan, “Let them win the battle so I can win the war!”.

So, I kept silent with their meddling. There wasn’t any reason to ask or say anything anyway. I was not playing a game because I wasn’t even interested in dating this “mystery” guy. So, there really wasn’t anything to act on. And, I had my little self all set on not being interested!!

Unfortunately, with this new twist, the appeal of a mystery was making me cast a little caution to the wind. Here I was hovering in a flight pattern of which I needed to figure out what I was going to do about it.

And, Oh by the way, the next Sunday, I was asking myself, “Where did that guy go this time?”

(Beloved would like to have everyone know that he was unaware of the engagement rumor. However, this is not surprising. He had another girl think that they were engaged too while he was going to Church when he lived in Lousianna. So, yes he is oblivious particurally when he doesn't give any girls reason to believe such a thing! However, he was truly engaged with another girl when he was younger and she does show up a little later! See I tell ya! Bees on Honey! )


  1. I just read the whole topic so far, quite delightful!!! HVD!!

  2. Thanks Melissa. I am excited to see the mystery reveal of your theme party that you did for Church!

    I hope you are feeling well. And, getting a lot of rest for that baby!

  3. You handled the gossip a bit better than I think I would have ;-)
    Back to reading....


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