Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yearning for Spring

"March is a month of considerable frustration - it is so near spring and yet across a great deal of the country the weather is still so violent and changeable that outdoor activity in our yards seems light years away." - Thalassa Cruso

Yearning for Spring? This is the first sign that it is around the corner here!


  1. Beautiful picture! Thanks for sharing, and yes, we are yearning for spring as well. Planting season. *big smile* Sinerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  2. Badly! I've been getting pretty gardening books from the library and making a wish list and plan for our garden. Can't wait! ☺

  3. Thanks for sharing the pictures. We used to plow our garden in Grundy with a horse. It was very exciting. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  4. How gorgeous those horses are! Our spring signs are a little different...we live in the suburbs. :)

    Today is bright and to see the sun!

    Many blessings,

  5. What lovely pictures, Carmen. such a feel of home.We have some signs of spring, can't wait for all of it to come.


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