Monday, March 28, 2011

Cardboard Creations

"Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things." - Theo Levitt
Stormy weather weekends drag on and on for us when Beloved is on a trip. So, we didn't get out. This meant I had to bring out some different type of entertainment.

I hadn't broken down the cardboard for the recycle man to pick up so I carried in some of the boxes for the Children to build something "Space" related. Space related because the Little Lady just finished up with her Astronomy Unit.

I was amazed I got this Space Ship to slow down enough for a picture! As you can see the "motor" mouth was still idling.

The Little Lady wanted to be the Pilot in Command. So, she built space seats for them all to sit in while eating lunch. This was a huge hit!


  1. So creative!!! You too "mommy".

  2. What a fun idea! Cardboard + kids = always a good time!

  3. Such wonderful imaginations. Children have such fun ideas. God bless.

  4. my kids would love this...very creative :)


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