Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday Night Beautifying

Keep It Simple and Modest - Unknown

I remember as a Child getting ready for Church on Saturday Night. My Momma put my hair in sponge hair curlers. I wore them to bed so I could have beautiful curls!  Those sponge curlers were so uncomfortable! My Momma would tell her sacrificing story just about the time I would start complaining. She would say,  "I wore the curlers to bed that were hard and big with the clips that poke your head." 

I can't remember who wore a pair of hose on their head to keep the curlers in place.  Was that my Grandma' story? Speaking of my Grandma, when I spent Saturday night with her, she would use mayonnaise as conditioner and rinse my hair in vinegar to make it shiny.  

Has the art of Saturday Night Torture Beautifying gone by the waste side? 

These girls don't like sponge curlers and they think vinegar stinks!  But they sure do like being colorful! They like to play "The Art of Saturday Night Beautifying".

The Little Lady and the Little Miss are beautifying in the camper!
Their Daddy took all their "playing" some what well.  ;)

He smiled at this....
The Little Lady's fingernails are just as colorful as her toes!

The Little Miss kept saying, "Yuck."
But, didn't want to be without lipstick.

Daddy  did all the "Ohhh and Ahhh's" in the right places.
He even said, "Those are some pretty finger nails and toes!"
She did this a lot that night!

But, then on Sunday after Church, they discovered all my earrings. 

And, let me just say the line was drawn in the sand!  Daddy spent a good portion of the afternoon ignoring all the girls comments about getting their ears pierced!   But, it didn't keep them from hanging my earring on their ears and giggling at each other.

He never said anything about my big turquoise earrings or my turquoise toes!
I guess he thought with little girls around it was to dangerous to do so.


  1. Oh yes, I remember the pink sponge rollers on Saturday nights VERY well! They were a tradition in our home.

    We just finished a manicure/pedicure session at our house tonight, and we are also sporting some turquoise toenails. In fact, toenails are the only place where I'm not afraid to go wild with the crazy colors and interesting designs.

    Looks like you are having a great time on your adventure!

  2. Thank you for your sweet comment on our Cells post. It was a fun project! I have to just keep looking for engaging things for him. And, not be afraid to work on a concept for another week if I'm not 100% sure he's gotten it. We are doing that this week .. extending our intro to cells study one more week.

    Have a great week!

  3. Ah....beautiful little ladies! I remember doing this when I was a kid too!
    I really wish I took the time to plan for Sundays -whether beautifying or picking out clothes, or getting the meal planned...the forethought sorta seems like a valuable part of worship that I miss.

  4. Oh, that earring-on-the-ear picture is so funny.
    I conditioned my hair with mayo once - I think I'd prefer the smell of vinegar.

  5. oh that picture is just too cute (with the earrings hanging from the top of her ears lol):)
    girls will be girls:)


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