Tuesday, November 15, 2011

14th Wedding Anniversary

 You are strong when I am weak, You are the words, when I can't speak, You never fail to see me through, That is the love I found in you.  -  The Love I found in You by Jim Brickman

Beloved took me to the Victorian Dothan Opera House which was built in 1915 for our Anniversary. The Opera House was absolutely beautiful and so very lovely.  The "house" is three stories of hard wood floors with some areas of red burgundy carpet.  As you enter there are lovely velvet couches that fit the decor absolutely perfectly.  

Our seats were in the middle row of the second balcony. It was a perfect spot -- no need for opera glasses. Also, I had the best view of the stage and of the beautiful balcony opera boxes in case someone important came in.

The stage had burgundy velvet drapes with a few shimmering drapes that would reflect the spot lights.
In the center of the stage was only one beautiful instrument!
A Black Yamaha Grand Piano.

It was the perfect setting  -- a romantic cozy place to listen to
America's most famous romantic solo pianist  -- Jim Brickman in concert!!
If you have hung around my blog long enough you have heard his music.
The absolutely best part was sitting beside my Beloved and holding his hand with his arm tucked around me the entire concert while listening to beautiful love songs.

A simply lovely evening!


  1. Happy Anniversary. What a delightful way to spend the evening.

  2. Happy Anniversary my dear friend, so happy for you both!

  3. Awwwwww.....so sweet. Happy Anniversary!!

  4. So romantic!! Happy anniversary and God bless.

  5. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like a lovely time.

  6. Happy Anniversary! I love to listen to Jim Brickman music. What a fun and romantic way to spend your special day together.

  7. Thank You everyone for the Anniversary wishes! Hugs to you all!

  8. Very Happy Anniversary, Carmen! Sounds like a lovely date!

  9. awww.....happy anniversary! we also celebrated ours a couple of weeks ago!


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