Sunday, December 18, 2011

An Evening of Lights

The Lights at Callaway Garden's show totals over 8,000,000 lights. This is equivalent to the number of lights on 26,666 standard 6-foot tall Christmas Trees. - Callaway Garden Facts for 2011

Every year we drive to a place that has a big Christmas Light production. 
Last weekend, we chose our Christmas tradition to be at Callaway Gardens in Georgia. 

We grabbed our hot chocolate, gingerbread men, and hot salty pretzels and set out to see their fabulous productions! Our first stop is to see my favorite show. This one tells the entire story of Jesus Birth with corresponding lights, scripture and music.

I also adore soldiers of most any kind! ;)

And, I suppose here in the south they have to make their own Winter Wonderland.
This was about 1/2 mile of Snow Flakes and stung lights hanging down from trees. Simpy beautiful!

The best part though? Hearing my Children's voices of amazement!
I love their "Wows!"


  1. It looks like a charming place, Carmen, but more importantly - I hope you're feeling well, and -
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Beautiful pictures! I so love Christmas lights. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  3. Love it! We are celebrating Hannukah, the Feast of Dedication and Festival of Lights starting tonight so we will have lights on a smaller scale! We each have the responsibility of planning an activity - the rest of the Batchelder Bunch doesn't know it yet, but we will be taking a ride in a one horse open sleigh around the best neighborhoods to see the lights. Our sleigh is grandpa's convertible - top down of course. Blankets and hot cocoa are on the packing list! We sure do miss you at Cross Generations!

  4. Looks beautiful! And what a great tradition!
    My husband has been to Callaway Gardens a couple of times (it is at the completely opposite side of the country from where we live!)...for father daughter retreats. Seems like a lovely location to check out the lights.
    Hope you have a Joyous Christmas!

  5. Their is something so special about bright lights. Merry Christmas to you and your family! xxx

  6. How sweet! We are hunting Christmas lights Friday night! Our new family tradition!

  7. Such a pretty show of lights! I always make sure we have lots and lots of lights on our tree. The kids and I like to turn off all the house lights and sit in the living room and look at our pretty tree. Christmas is so magical for little kids. Hope you're feeling well!

  8. Keri, Would that be the Father/Daughter Retreats with Vision Forum? I have always wanted my little girls to do that but my hubby has always been deployed during those times. Maybe he will have a chance this year.

  9. Carmen,
    That is the retreat! Gregg takes our daughters the year they turn 13...(So he will be going this year... 2012....It is the weekend that includes this particular daughter's birthday - March is yet a suprise for her that she will find out about on Christmas)It'd be great if your people went and they somehow met up!


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