Monday, January 9, 2012

She turns 8

"Sweet Birthday wishes for the birthday girl" - American Card Greeting

This past week, our sweet Little Lady turned 8 years old. I simply cannot believe that she is eight already!  It really is true that time flies by. I have always thought that eventually some of the memories of her birth would fade for I had her in a little Korean clinic but I can recount every detail of her birth .Isn't that just amazing? 

Wow! Eight Years Old!  


  1. Sweet Little Lady! I can't believe she is 8 either and getting more beautiful each day. The cake looks yummy.

  2. Happy Birthday to the Little Lady, what a darling!

    xxoooo ~Mrs. Amelia : )

  3. Happy Birthday! Our oldest just turned 14 and our middle son will be 8 at the end of the month. Time goes by too quickly!

  4. Happy Birthday to the Little Lady!

  5. Happy Birthday to your Little Lady! Hope her day was grand!
    Is there a father daughter retreat in her future?

  6. Kerri, We are looking into it. We will be in the process of moving though and until we get the time line we have no idea if we can fit it in. I hope so though.

  7. Aww happy belated b/d to sweet little lady! She is just a couple of months older than mine:)


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