Saturday, February 7, 2015

Lego Truck with batteries

"Engineers Create" - Engineer Statement

The Little Man makes a lot of little projects out of legos. 
He also has a habit of changing them every other hour (adding and subtracting legos). 
It is a shame that I can't keep up with all the designs. 
I don't have my camera on hand as much as I use to. 

This is a truck he built out of legos.
He attached a lego battery "Thingy" to it to drive it around the house. 

It is his own creation. It is not a kit.

Just after I took a quick goofy picture of him with it. 
He changed it into an airplane that taxis around the floor.

1 comment:

  1. This is great! Daniel and Sam love legos. They are always building something. I LOVE the picture of your little girl with all the jewelry on. That is so Katie. This morning Jess said she came downstairs already dressed for the day (she's 3). She had on a princess undershirt, a baby root t shirt and her Elsa dress. She couldn't decide who she wanted to be today, so she was all 3. Enjoy your day and God bless.


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