Thursday, April 2, 2015

Baby Doll Crochet Dress

"A Lady never discusses the size of her yarn stash." - Pinterest

It has been about six months since the Little Lady picked up any crochet projects.  But, no school during what we are calling "Spring Break" and being bored must have come together last night.  The Little Lady took out her crochet.  I wish I could take credit for this but I only taught her the double crochet. All those women who have devoted time to sharing their expertise on youtube have done the rest. 


  1. She is so amazingly talented. Beautiful job!!

  2. She is so amazingly talented. Beautiful job!!

  3. That is awesome! Kathleen has expressed interest in crocheting and has also taken to YouTube to learn and recently made a beautiful scarf. It's amazing what they accomplish once they set their minds to it. Have a wonderful day!



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