Thursday, December 15, 2016

Gingerbread Trees and Recipe

One of our Gold Star Moms shared with all of us gals her recipe for Gingerbread! I snatched up her recipe today.  And, I also swiped her pictures too! This Gold Star Mom makes gingerbread every year for her grandchildren.  She uses the same 30 year old recipe - but each year the gingerbread comes in the form of something different to decorate! One year they will do trains. The next year could be angels. Last year, it was sleighs. This year it was Christmas Trees!   I am going to "rest" the pictures and the recipe here for now. Later, I will put it in my recipe binder.

* Gold Star Mom means that she lost her son in War.  Although, you the reader, probably do not  know her son  personally, if you have seen the movie "Lone Survivor" than you are familiar with a super small part of her son's story. -  June 2008. 

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