Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dutch Oven Blue Berry Cobbler w/o Sprite

The blueberry is one of the few fruits native to North America. - Blueberry Food Fact

So, what do you do when you want something sweet after dinner while you are out camping?

You make Blueberry Cobbler, of course!

Ingredients: 2 Cans of Blueberries and 1 cake mix.

(Optional: Sprinkle cinnamon)

You don't have to cover your Dutch Oven with aluminum foil if you do not want to. Beloved likes to do it for easy clean up!

Dump those Blueberries from the can into the Dutch Oven.

Sprinkle the Cake mix on top of the blueberries.

Don't mix the cake and blue berries!

Just sprinkle the cake mix so it covers the top of the blueberries.

Put the Dutch Oven on top of your hot coals.

Then place the hot coals on top of the lid.

Today, we are cooking in a 12" Deep Cast Iron Dutch Oven.

So to calculate your coals for the bottom of your Dutch Oven just minus 3 from your Dutch Oven size.

12 (size of Dutch Oven) - 3 (less coals) = 9

The top should be plus 3 of what ever your Dutch oven size is:

12 (size of Dutch Oven) + 3(extra coals) = 15

This has you cooking at 350 degrees.

Cook for 45 minutes.

*Recipe my Daddy taught me.


  1. Yummy!! I can't believe you didn't share with us!! Have you tried the new dutch oven liners that Coleman has? They are made of parchment paper. I think they were about 4.00 for 10 of them. I tried them this year for the first time. Kind of pricey if you do it often, but great for things you know will be really messy to clean up. :)

  2. This looks great!!! I'll have to remember this one!

  3. Oooo! Ah! No, I haven't but I will be looking for them for sure! Thanks for the 411, Aunt Sidney.

  4. Fabulous! Thanks for sharing through the Homemaking Link. I am looking forward to exploring your blog.


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