Monday, April 16, 2012

Preserve Flower Experiment

Flowers often whither and tend to lose their vibrant colors during the drying process. Using Borax to preserve flowers, will conserve their delicate color and prevent them from shrinking and shriveling as they do when dried in the conventional manner. - Apologia Preserve Flower

The Little Lady's Botany experiment last week was to preserve a Flower. It was a perfect time to buy roses for the camper. Always Cheerful.

This experiment had her pouring borax into a shoe box.

Then, she put the flower on top.  We chose a fern too just to see what will happen to it.

We covered it all with more borax and then taped the box up! We get to open it in two weeks.


  1. I definitely look forward to the results on this one - don't forget! :)

  2. Trying to catch up a bit on my blog reading! Looks like lots going on there...vacation home, horse riding, camping-home establishing, and, oh yes, baby growing/resting/preparing....
    What a full life you have! Praying all is going well! (in the midst of all the exciting circumstances!) God bless you and your lovely family, Carmen!

  3. Cant wait to see how it turns out!

  4. oooh, you'll have to show us a picture when it's ready!


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