Saturday, August 21, 2010

Chocolate World Amusements

The Chocolate World tour begins in a tropical rain forest where cocoa beans grow and are harvested. You then follow their journey across the ocean to America and their delivery to THE SWEETEST PLACE ON EARTH - Hershey, Pennsylvania. The cocoa beans continue through a simulated HERSHEY'S chocolate factory where you'll see, feel, smell and hear the delicious transformation from bean to milk chocolate." Hershey's Chocolate World

The whole town smells like Chocolate!

I am not joking!

It is fabulous!

This is one place where just breathing in the air will make you gain 5 pounds.

The street lights are Hershey Kisses!

Yes, indeed!

Mr. Hershey, a Mennonite, built a town around Chocolate.

Cocoa and Chocolate are just a few names of the streets in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

(Click on it to make it bigger)

And, why would Mr. Hershey pick such a place to have a Hershey Chocolate Factory in the middle of no where? Because of the Mennonite Dairy Farms!

Milk Chocolate! Yum.

Here is a little History:

Chocolate wasn't his first business. He sold Caramels. And, after several times, in trying to establish his business in other areas he failed. He came back to the area where his family lived. His Aunt put up her Home in order to help him start his new business here in the area. His business was about to fail again. However, just as the bank was about to take his Aunt's house, orders came in from Britain for his Caramels. He discovered that over in England they were taking his Caramels and covering them with Chocolate. Well, as things would have it, and so this post isn't a mile long, Mr. Hershey got into the Chocolate business!

So, we just had to visit the Sweetest Place in the World --Chocolate World. (We visited it on Friday, during the heat of the day, as our quick break from Hershey Park. See post below)

Chocolate World has a ride that goes through the History and Process of making Chocolate.

It starts with explaining the Cocoa Beans!

They are only grown around the equator.

It talks about the process of the Cocoa bean. Adding Sugar. Adding Milk.

And making that Milk Chocolate taste!

Today's production as of when we did the ride was...

Beloved thought he was going to have to strap me into the ride after seeing these...

Do you want a Kiss?

Boxes of Kit Kat bars headed out.

Do you know what this is?

After the Chocolate World Ride the workers give out Chocolate Hershey Bars.

I would say it is the look of Guilty People with their mouths full of Chocolate!

But, they weren't feeling guilty a bit!

(The Little Miss and the Little Gentleman went to sleep during the ride. But, don't worry, where free Chocolate samples are given out, we made sure they were awake the second time we did it!

Pathetic, I know!)

Chocolate World has a movie theater, a restaurant and a huge store where you can buy Chocolate.

Boxes of Reeses.

A 5lb Hershey Chocolate Bar.


Huge Hershey Kisses.

Heath Bars.

Hershey Clothes

You name it they got it!

However, instead of doing the movie, we chose to do something special. We road the Chocolate World Trolley. It is a Trolley that gives you a tour of Hershey, Pennsylvania.

The tour takes you to Mr. Hershey's house, you ride by the School that he established for orphans, the Hershey Hotel, the Hershey Factory, and much more.

Your tour guides are very funny and entertaining. One of the guides jump off and on the trolley in different customs to give the History of the town through skits. The Children couldn't figure out if it was the same person or not! That gave me the giggles.

They even sing through out the ride too.

They were fantastic singers.

And, believe it or not, everyone joined in!

(Song sheets are included with the ride.)

They also pass out Hershey Candy through out the Trolley ride!

Reese Candy. Hershey Kisses.

Hershey Bars.


The other Child's Parent was concerned about the amount of Chocolate he was eating! However, in our case, we were not concerned a bit! Nope! As you can see they are digging in! (giggle) I know! Where are the responsible Parents? Well, They were eating chocolate too. We also knew we were headed back to the Hershey Park! (giggle) And, the fact that we knew we were staying until the Park closed and that they had several more hours of fun to do, we weren't concerned. They needed the energy!

By the end of the day they were very worn out!

Perfect, huh?

A Delicious Day!

But, if you want really wonderful outstanding Chocolate you need to go to

This is My Aunt Sidney's Families HONEY Business!

They make the best Chocolate around! ;)


  1. What a wonderful "treat" for you all to have the opportunity to see a production plant that gets the attention of the youngest family member. *smile* Thanks for sharing your weight gaining experiance with all of us. Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!


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