Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hershey Amusement

So that his employees would have a pleasant environment for picnicking and boating, Milton S. Hershey built Hershey Park in 1907. - Hershey Park History.

I have wanted to go to Hershey Park every since Beloved's Parents lived in New Jersey. We always passed the exit and never stopped. Then one year, Beloved said we will go there the next time we drive up. Wouldn't you know it? His Parents moved. So, we never went.

Beloved's business trips are never in this area! So, I couldn't believe it when he came home a couple of months ago and said, "You are going to be so excited. I have a trip to the Hershey Area. You interested in going?"

"Yes! Are you serious?"

Hershey Park in 2010 on a Friday.

The Kissing Tower is cute.
The windows are made into the shapes of Hershey Kisses.

A spectacular view of Hershey, Pennsylvania.

We did some shows.

The Milk Men were fun.
They sang to the Little girls.

We ate BBQ sandwiches at a outdoor grill and saw a Country Show.

We walked and walked.

Well, most of us walked!
She gets a back pack ride.
She gets to wiggle out when we are doing shows!

It was a hot day so we had plenty of snacks!
Popcorn. Ice Drinks.
Lots of water.

The Rides!!!
You have to measure up!
Look Kid you are big enough to do some really cool rides!
But, not big enough to do the twisty ones yet.
... because Daddy is a Pilot.

....because Beloved DOES ride METAL Roller Coaster! ;)
(We have already discussed that he will do Metal Roller Coasters but not wooden ones.)

So, Daddy went with them!
They Loved it!
Do you see them?
They are in the front car on the second and third row.
(Mom just click on the picture and it will get bigger.)

We took a break from the Park and went and did the Chocolate World. I will have to do that experience in another post it is to fabulous not to give it a post of its own. However, after the Factory we came back to the park later in the evening and did some more rides at night.

... because the Little Ones like the log water ride a lot and they were determined that I would do it with them after they did it with Daddy.

...because you never know if you are going to get an Astronaut in the family.

A very fun filled day!


  1. Glad you had such a great time at Hershey Land. Thanks for sharing pictures of your adventures with all of us. I enlarged the picture of the ride to see your family. *smile* Have a great evening and a wonderful Sunday. Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  2. I clicked on the pic to make it bigger...yes i saw them!

    Glad you are having a fun time.


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