Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dutch Wonderland Amusement

"It's a Kingdom for Kids" - Dutch Wonderland in Pennsylvania.

Beloved took us to Dutch Wonderland which is a kids amusement park. Yes, A park especially made for Children under 12. A totally fabulous treat!

We parked in the parking lot and felt like we were apart of a "mini" van convention! Yes, it is the first sign that everything is totally Child friendly!

Another thing that was strikingly different to me about this place was the amount of Girls and Ladies that wore skirts. Wow! It is amazing! Come to find out there is an extremely large Mennonite community here. (20 different Mennonite groups!) And, just like the communities back home, they wear dresses only! But, unlike home, since the Amish and Mennonites are not abundant in comparison, the amount of girly girl skirts was strikingly different! Back home they only where plain colored outfits. Here that is not the case. Some of them are extremely colorful.

We spent our day riding rides, going to shows, enjoying the cool breeze and hardly waiting in any lines.

We tried to hit all of the rides that we thought the Children would really enjoy. We rode a good many things. I took so many pictures but here is just some of the highlights. These particular pictures are significant to me because the Children either said something funny and/or the picture showed their personality.

In this case though, the picture below will serve as a reminder that Daddy will be teaching him how to drive!
I rode with him on the electric cars while he drove.

...because of Whip lash!

...because she loves to smile.

They were surprised by the unexpected jolt!

....because I want to remember their giggles.

The Monorail!

...because Daddy gives great gifts!

We watched several shows!
This one is "The Princess and the frogs!"
The frogs performed daring leaps and dives!

...because the Little Miss was determined to NOT miss anything.

...because she couldn't hold out on the Gondola Ride.
And FINALLY went to sleep at 4:30 for the first time all day!

Headed to the Train Ride!

The Little Miss loved it!

...because she knows exactly how to express her excitement even though she can't talk yet.

But, the BEST was yet to come!!!

Beloved doesn't enjoy Wooden Roller Coasters.
(He will ride the Metal ones though.)
He thinks the Wooden ones feel "unnatural".
(Something about them falling apart!)
This does not make sense to me!
Because, in my opinion, flying helicopters that Scientifically shouldn't even be flying seems to be truly unnatural!
Does anyone else understand this logic?
(Some thing about him being in control.)

Helicopters whip the air into submission.
Roller Coasters stay on rails!
Oh, Well.

Anyway, I remarked to Beloved that I can only hope that I will get 1 Child who would love to be my Wooden Roller Coaster Partner. I never thought that I would get the chance to see who would be such a Child the very next day!

I never dreamed I would get 3 partners!!!
Yes, they all did their first Roller Coaster Ride today.
It was a small child's roller coaster!
(Nothing Crazy!)

And, then it happened.
They asked to do it again.
And again.
And again!

Then, the older 2 asked to go on the little bit bigger "Children's" Roller Coaster!
And they loved it too!

....because the Little Man said,
"My face was like this the whole time!"


  1. What a fun, fun day!!! Can I just tell you that roller coasters and ferris wheels terrify me?! Uncle L and Aisling think I'm a whimp!! (They're right!)

  2. That looks like a GREAT place to be able to visit with littles. It sounds to have been within most partent's budgets too with all the minivans you said you saw in the parking lot. *smile* Thanks for sharing your fun experiance with all of us. Have a great day. Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  3. Hmm--don't see my original comments.

    But the part about wooden roller coaster vs helicopter made me laugh so hard I actually had tears. Too funny!

    The Little Miss is getting so big. She is almost a year old...hard to believe.

    Come home more often. I'm missing her babyhood.

    All the children are growing up too fast.

    Keep those pics and stories coming.


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