Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pennsylvania Excursion

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
-- Helen Keller

Beloved has another business trip.
So, he packed us up in his suitcase and took us with him! ;)
Okay, not really!
But, we are on a trip with him.

I think he has a lot of things planned for us on his down time.
Crayons? Hershey Chocolate?
Amish Farm trip?
Maybe, a Bell and a Statue?
Who really knows?

We normally drive everywhere but this seems to be the Summer for flying.

A fun treat while waiting for boarding is to watch our luggage go to the Airplane.

I wonder what sort of Adventure we will find?


  1. Have tons of fun!! Remember you're having fun for all of us. We live vicariously through you!:)

  2. We went on one business trip with my beloved this year. Rather than one week we exteded it to two and the second he wasn't feeling well. But we got to see quite a bit in the first week so we were happy to have gone. Glad you all got to go as a family. *smile* Oh the joys of home schooling, though it's summer break in the public system anyways. *smile* Take care. Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!


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