Monday, August 30, 2010

Once Upon A Nation

Once Upon A Nation Storytellers engages students in an oral tradition that is a part of our American heritage. Sharing stories of our nation’s history educates and entertains students by telling stories of Philadelphia’s founding fathers and other residents, broadens their knowledge to lesser-known historic sites in the area and makes history relevant to students of all ages! ~ OUAN Facts

Independence National Park in Pennsylvania

In Old City they have what is called "Once Upon A Nation".There are many of them around the Independence National Park. All you do is have a seat on the bench where a sign is located. And, that is when you will receive a "Historical" Story.

The Children will receive a Colonial paper flag from a Story Teller. Once you have finished listening to the Story the Story teller will give the Children a star sticker.Go to all 13 "Once Upon A Nation" benches and soon you will have 13 stars. When you get 13 stars you can get a Free Ice Cream.

The Stories are fabulous!

Did you know that there was a Prison Break in the Attic of the Independence Hall?

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