Monday, August 30, 2010

Join or Die Story Telling

"There are many hands-on activities in the Historical area of Independence National Historic Park."~ National Park Service

Independence National Park in Pennsylvania
The below flag was the first Cartoon picture printed in America.
Benjamin Franklin drew it.
Our adventure started out with this flag!

So, all the little Children were volunteered!

With a little History Lesson they were off following these dudes through the back streets to a few Historic Landmarks. The dudes drummed and played the piccolo as the "volunteers" and their parents followed behind.

The "Drill" train up was extremely entertaining

Some knew how to count and some didn't.
Some knew how to hold a riffle and some didn't.
Some knew their left from their right and some didn't

                             And, then some just weren't sure if they should even listen to this crazy man!

Once the troops were trained they gave the warning...

                                       In the end the "Patriots" learned how to charge the British.

              You will finish your walking history tour at the very square where they read (and still read) the United States Constitution.

A Warning: Don't wear red to the "Old City" of Philadelphia you might be considered a spy.

1 comment:

  1. So much we missed and now I would love to go there to see all these great historical sites you all enjoyed. Though our two are still a bit young yet, but in a year or two, perfecto. *big smile* Thanks so much for sharing these stops with all of us. This is GREAT! Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!


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