Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A 1 Year Birthday

"Happy Birthday"

Dinner: Crab Cakes, Saffron Rice, Baby Lima Beans, Salad, Sugar Strawberries and Birthday Cake!

The Little Miss turned 1 Year Old this Month.

I have no idea what she was thinking but she looked at it for a bit trying to decide what to do with it.

She finally put some in her mouth.
Her very FIRST taste of cake.
Then she made the "YUM" sound!

We said, "Yeah!"
She lifted her hands!

She almost ate the whole thing!

"Wahoo. Happy Birthday to me!"


  1. How fun! Happy Birthday, Little Miss! I can't believe she's one year old already!!!

  2. Sweet cake for sweet Little Miss - Happy Birthday!

  3. I havn't seen pictures of her in awhile. She's so pretty! What a happy day!~


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