Monday, September 6, 2010

Dutch Oven Blueberry Cobbler w/ Sprite

"Dutch ovens are closely associated with the American Old West, the Dutch oven of tradition is a heavy cast iron pot, traditionally made with three short legs and a concave cover for holding hot coals on top. While such pots are generally considered too heavy for backpackers, Dutch ovens are often used in group camp-outs and cookouts." ~ Outdoor cooking

Cobbler with fresh fruit is always the best! So, if you are going to make Dutch Oven cobbler with fresh fruit you will need to use some sort of liquid. If you use pie filling fruit you will need some sort of liquid to thin it out too. (If you use cans of fruit that has syrup you do not need to use any other liquid). The liquid we use is 3/4 of 7up or Sprite out of a 20 oz bottle.

Just give it a little stir.

The next step would be to sprinkle the cake mix on top. You can view all the Dutch Oven Cobbler steps that I have mentioned and here.

Since, Blueberry is my Families favorite, you must get it when you can! And, that may mean you might not get a pretty picture of it! Instead, the only picture you might get is something like this...

* Recipe my Daddy taught me.

1 comment:

  1. There are so many entries that I missed and it looks like you all had a GREAT time camping and making cobbler in the dutch oven as well as so much more! The camping and hiking looks like a lot of fun for you all and that's wonderful! *smile* The dinner in the pit looks good too. Thanks so much for sharing all your fun times here. Have a great day. Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!


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