Monday, September 6, 2010

Dutch Oven Peach Cobbler

"The peach is a member of the rose family and should have a pleasingly sweet fragrance." ~ Peach Facts

Cast Iron DUTCH OVEN Peach Cobbler

Ingredients: 2 Cans of Peaches with the Syrup

1 White Cake Mix

When buying your Peaches you can give it some Peach Appeal by not paying attention and buying 1 can of Slice Peaches and 1 can of Peaches that are whole!

Sprinkle the Cake mix on top of the Peaches.

Don't Stir.

Cover with lid.

Put the Dutch Oven on top of the your coals.

We used a regular 10" inch Dutch Oven.

To calculate your coals for the buttom of your Dutch Oven just minus 3 from the Dutch Oven size.

10 (size of the Dutch Oven) minus 3 coals = 7 coals.

To calculate your coals for the top of your Dutch Oven just add 3 from the Dutch Oven size.

10 (size of the Dutch Oven) plus 3 coals = 13 coals.

This has your Dutch Oven cooking at 350 degrees.

Cook for about 35 to 45 min. minutes.

Just watch it. When it is has a nice looking crust it is ready.

Don't worry!

Your nose will tell you when it is almost finished!

And, if it doesn't everyone will let you know it is about finished.

You will hear them say, "Don't burn our cobbler!"

House Oven Directions: 350 degrees for about an hour.

(Watch Carefully)

*Recipe my Daddy taught me.

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