Monday, September 6, 2010

Beloved Bride's Chicken and Rice 2 Ways

"Camp Cooking can be an activity in itself."

- Camping Guide

Cast Iron DUTCH OVEN Chicken and Rice


Chicken about 4 to 6 breast

A large Bag of Yellow Saffron Rice

(or 2 small bags)

2 Cans of Mushroom Soup

1 Lipton Onion Envelope


Beloved got the grill burner hot.

My Dad sprayed the Dutch Oven with cooking spray.

Beloved washed the Chicken.

Then, they put the Chicken in the Dutch Oven and began frying it up!

My Dad just cuts the Chicken into small pieces while it is frying.

I would say that my Dad seasons to taste but I really believe he just throws the Salt and Pepper in until he feels it looks happy enough!

My Dad is adding the 2 cans of Mushroom Soups to the Chicken.

Beloved added the Lipton Soup mix.

Then just add water. The amount of water that needs to be use is the amount that is one the Yellow Saffron Rice Mix package. The guys used a family size bag. It called for 3 1/2 cups. Dad likes the dish to be moist so he adds another cup of water to the dish. So, 4 1/2 cups of water total.

Add the Rice.

Cover with a lid.

Cook for about 30 minutes or until Rice is done.

Let it set for about 5 minutes.

Dish it up!

There was 10 of us camping.

6 Adults and 4 Children.

The Home Oven Recipe is a little different and I think it is 100% better!

4 to 6 Chicken breast

3/4 cup regular rice

1 cup mushroom soup

1 can milk (use mushroom can)

1 envelope of Lipton Onion Soup Mix

Put Soup in bowl, add milk and mix. Reserve 1/2 of the mixture. With the mixture you did not reserve, put rice together with it. Pour mixture into a glass pan. (NOT A DUTCH OVEN) Add Chicken. Add 1/2 of envelope. The reserve mixture, pour over the chicken and then add the other 1/2 of envelope on top of mixture and chicken. 350 degrees for 1 hour. Cover. Then uncover for 30 more minutes.

*Dutch Oven recipe by my Daddy

*Beloved' Brides Oven Recipe by Lipton Onion Soup box from the 1980s.

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