Monday, December 6, 2010

A Block City

"Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." ~ Albert Einstein
Objective: To build an ancient city with all the blocks. It must look similar to the old ruins we have been looking at in our books. The city must have many houses, a tower, and a horse stable. (No cars or John Deere trucks allowed until after objective is finished. -- giggle)

Lesson Learned: The Little Gentleman (age 3-the student) had to think artistically in using every brick to demonstrate and express a visual idea which will be evaluated by his visual representation of a city. He had to use his decision making skills, improve his spacial reasoning skills in selecting blocks, demonstrate he understood visual balance, and use hand eye coordination in placing blocks for his structure. The Little Gentleman had to name the shape and color of the blocks that he used in his project. He also had to do it by himself for there is no problem in getting help from his Brother and Sister.


  1. Very cool! What the architect you have on your hands. *big smile* Have a lovely day! Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  2. Very good pictures! I love to watch children play. My Hubby and I made our grandson a set of wooden building blocks last year for Christmas. They are one of his favorite toys. God bless.

  3. Wow, I am very impressed! Tell him he did a great job!

  4. He looks so proud and I am too.

  5. It's nice to see children being creative, and doing a good job of it!

    As for the "followers" gadget, can't you remove it by going into the "design" area, and clicking on that particular gadget? That's what I did, although I didn't have anybody attached to it at the time.
    (I don't even know if this makes any sense!)

  6. He is so adorable! Great job he did there, and great lessons learned. :-)

    have a great day!



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