Friday, December 17, 2010

Connectagons and Imagination

Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun. ~G. Scialabba
My only requirement was for the Little Man to use all the connectagons!


  1. I would LOVE to have some of these! It is good to see them in action and that kids actually do play with them.

  2. Oooooooooooooh fun!! I was just at The Learning Palace - I should have looked for these! My kids would love those!

  3. That looks like great fun for an indoor too cold to go outside day!!

    They also look like they stimulate creativity.

    Are those bigger than they look or do you need to watch out for little ones crawling near by that might eat them :)

  4. Melissa, THey are 1 1/2 inch and they are wooden. They do break if they are not handled carefully. I find they do every now and then because sometimes you have to tug on them to get them to come loose. That could be a little tot hazzard. ~ My Children play with them but only every now and then. They adore their magaformers. And,they can never have enough it seems. THeir creations just get bigger and bigger. You can find magaformers at timberdoodle or qvc.

  5. Thanks so much Carmen. Matthew is into putting most things in his mouth right now, hence the question...I will go over to Timberdoodle!!

  6. Yes, mine don't come out except at the table and when little Miss is asleep. ;) I'll post pics of the "formers" being used.


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