Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Educational Childs Play

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. - William Butler Yeats
I really like the multi-sensory approach to learning on those cold days when no one can go outside. So, the other day, the Little Gentleman (age 3) had no idea that he was being drilled in color, numbers, and counting (poor little guy had to keep picking up 4 cards due to those draw 4 wild cards) all the while playing a game of uno.

After a little basic Math, the Little Man (age 5) spent some time doing reading and spelling a little differently. He had to make words out of puzzle letters.


  1. Oh the endless of delights of homeschooling even when it is a snow day....the beauty of homeschooling and not even realizing you are being taught or learning something but rather just having a fun time!!

    On another note....I saw your box about moving posts...how are you going about doing that....are you just going to each post, copying and then pasting and then when you paste it into the editor here, you back date it?

    I would like to have all my blog posts in one location as well instead of the two blogs.

  2. Love the puzzle letters. Great job enjoying the day with your three little ones. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  3. Melissa, I am just copying and pasting and then back dating it. At this point, I am only doing a couple every few days and instead of hitting post, I am hitting just save. (Sometimes I forget!) Then I open up a new post and do the next entry. There is away to upload all of it in one swoop but apparently it is before you start a new blog and only if you have a different blogger. I am sure there is another way to connect the blogger with xanga but I can't figure it out.

    I haven't done it in a couple of weeks though, I am working on a 20 page research paper during the late evenings but my goal is to have the last of the 2 years moved over by the beginning of the year. Moving it all over slowly has been so amazing. I can't believe how much all 4 Kiddos have grown up. It has reminded me of all God's blessings. Just looking at each post has been a journey down memory lane just in its self.

    The paper is due this Friday, I hope to rejoin the commenting on other blogs and reading of other post soon. ;)

  4. this has always been one of my favorite quotes! Learning is all around us :-) Have a great night!


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