Monday, December 13, 2010

Reading A Horse Called Willing

The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it.~ Bryce

The Winter storm had everything closed -- schools, stores and the Military Installation. So, we all hunkered down in our cozy home. But, this isn't anything unusual for us! You can often find at least one of us cuddled up in a warm quilt, reading a book and sipping a cup of hot chocolate.

Oh. She makes me giggle. Apparently, you must wear a favorite horse dress while reading a horse book. Reading is fashionable, you know?

A Horse Called Willing is by Rod and Staff.


  1. What a cute, cute picture of an adorable young lady!!

  2. Ha! In these parts a Winter Storm means it had snow on the ground for more than a few hours before it melted. This place cracks me up! ;)

  3. That is really stinkin' cute. *smile* The title of the book looks interesting to me too. *smile* I may not be as much of a horse person as she is, but it sounds good. *smile* Have a great time and stay warm. *smile* sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  4. How sweet! We had a bad snow storm this past weekend, but not as badly as yours to close the schools and everything else up.

  5. We have had several snow storms, but as you can imgine, it didn't close schools.

  6. I can definitely understand the need for a horse dress to read a horse book. You have to set the mood for what you are doing. God bless.

  7. Love this. Something my Anna would do for sure. :)


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