Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jesse and Chrismon Tree In Construction Paper

"The Chrismon tree is highly symbolic, conveying the life of Christ and the meaning of Christmas."- Chrismon Tree Definition

"The Tree of Jesse is an depiction of the Ancestors of Christ through metaphorical pictures. It is a family tree linage from Adam to Jesus. - Jesse Tree definition

The family that lived in our old 1914 Farmhouse before us left a Christmas Tree in the attic. Obviously it was because it was no longer useful to them because it did not have a Christmas Tree base. After looking for a base for it for a few years, I finally found a red plastic one for about $3.00. Unfortunately, I have no ornaments for it (my other trees take them all up) but I decided to put it up in the house anyway. We strung white lights and then I decided it would be fun to have it be the Little Ones tree that they could decorate this Season.

Because we travel a good bit, I never feel like I have time to incorporate a lot of art projects into our schooling. But, on those months that we are home like in December, I feel like I have a little more planning time. With just a little bit of research on some color pages, I decided to let the Little Ones do a construction paper tree and have it correspond with the stories of Jesus' linage and Christ symbols for the Christmas Season.

Most of you will know this as the Jesse Tree or a Chrismon Tree depending on how your Church decorates their sanctuary. Although I can guarantee that most are way more sophisticated! ;)

So, now we have 3 trees! An all white ornament tree (No Touching!), the wooden ornament tree, and a very colorful construction paper tree! This one is very out of my comfort zone. It doesn't blend in with my decor at all! But, I am making some Little Ones extremely happy.

Jesse Tree Coloring Pages here
Chrismon Tree Coloring Pages here

The book we use for daily Advent Devotions is "The Jesse Tree" by Geraldine McCaughrean. HERE is a picture of the book. I don't get any credit for putting this on my blog. I do not do money advertising or money reviews.

I linked to If you have Children her blog is a great resource for books and craft projects!


  1. That's a lovely tree!

    Quite a few years ago, I guess we went through a period where we didn't put up the tree (always artifical), and my mother just assumed we'd discontinue it. So, she got rid of all our (some old and charming) glass ornaments! Then, we put up the tree one year and she confessed to me that there were no ornaments. Well, I saw that we had plenty of ribbon - nothing expensive, just curling ribbon, flocked ribbon - whatever. I made many, many bows of all colors and lengths, and placed them amid the branches. We got many compliments on it and they bows lasted a few years.

    I'm glad that a lack of "ornaments" didn't stop you from decorating your trees!

  2. what a fun Christmas!! So glad you had a tree for the little ones to really have a hand in. What great memories you're building!!

  3. Very cute! Love it! I'm sure the kiddos had a great time decorating it!

  4. How wonderful Carmen! I love your tree, and your idea for decorations. What a wonderful Mom you are to teach your children this way. I get so many good Godly ideas from you!

  5. I love this tree. Very insprational. Thank you for sharing.

  6. I love your tree with all the homemade ornaments. No doubt the little ones are very proud.

  7. We have fun decorating several trees too. The kids really enjoy it.

    What are you writing a research paper on? I didn't realize you were attending school! I love the reading, every class really except Math! LOL I already had 8 years of college, yet I decided to do more, i must be crazy, lol.

    Have a good night.


  8. ooo this looks beautiful!! Thanks for stopping by my blog :-)

  9. You are imprinting a wonderful Godly legacy in your kids heart through this project.

  10. It is wonderful to have tree the children can touch. We are using a little tree with ornaments that can't break this year.

  11. I love this idea and how special that they have a tree that they were able to decorate. I am sure my girls would love to do that too!

    Thank you for linking to stART :)


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