Monday, January 10, 2011

A Southern White Snow Blanket

"January brings the snow, makes our feet and fingers glow." - Unknown

A business trip for Beloved had us going to Alabama where they were going to get some snow. We fully expected that the whole town would close once Huntsville was covered with a beautiful white blanket. Despite everything being closed -- and I mean everything except the 10 engineers/editors for the company that Beloved had a meeting with -- He ended up going to work and amazingly he finish up early. So, out the door went our plans for the Little Ones and I to take a NASA tour while here. But, there is no point in sticking around when things aren't opening until some time after tomorrow. We are headed home now. The Interstate is clear although we are the only ones on it!
How strange it feels...


  1. I'm glad that the roads are clear for you! I love snow, but I don't particularly like to drive in it, especially on the freeway! That's too bad that you didn't get to take your tour. My hubby was supposed to take an Army related trip over the weekend, but didn't get to go because of really bad roads!

  2. Snow travel is not bad when the roads are clear. Sorry you didn't get to do the tour. It sounded very interesting. God bless.

  3. Beautiful Picture - I wish we would get some snow like that here...and not just nasty rain.

  4. A Beautiful scene Carmen, so serene and enchanting...Oh the stories that I could come up with seeing that picture! : )

    It's so wonderful for you and the children that you are so flexible, you really know how to enjoy life Carmen and I think that is great!

    Thanks for the linky too, I sure hope I can be of encouragement and learn new things too! xxxooo ~Mrs. Amela

  5. Love the pic! Great!! Want more??? come see me! We have TONS of the white stuff:)


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