Saturday, February 5, 2011

Research on the Nightstand

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? " ~Albert Einstein
I have been working on my Graduate degree --- all on line!!! (I do it when the Children are in bed for a few hours a night or when we are in the car traveling from place to place.) It is a slow process because I only take one class at a time. So, I feel like I am truly asking the question, "How do you eat an elephant?" I am thankful though for the opportunity to be able to work on it. I have been blessed because my 1st year has been FREE because of grant money that I earned.

The program has been so challenging! It has been so amazing how much I have learned and how much I have been able to apply to so many circumstances in my life -- particularly the duties that I have as a stay at home wife and mother.

This is called research for one simple little 25 -30 page Graduate Paper!


  1. Wow! Not only a Graduate degree, but HARD classes (at least they sound like it to me!) It is great though that you've had classes that you can apply directly to everyday life! You inspire me!

  2. It isn't right for anyone to have that tidy a nightstand!! (giggle)

  3. ... Ha. It is called clutter -- its a nightmare! To bad I don't believe in osmosis! I would put them under my pillow if I did! ;)

  4. I so understand this. There are days I just am so tired from being up so late trying to juggle everything. If I could just rest...LOL. Mine are crammed into 6 weeks and my assignments are due weekly at least 2 papers plus participation in the discussion board...agh.
    Good Luck with it!


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