Monday, February 21, 2011

Playing Dress-up

"Nothing is more fun than playing make-believe!" - Scrapbook quote

Everyone wanted to play dress-up this afternoon so Beloved brought the container of Play-Costumes out of the garage. They were all over the floor for a good couple of hours as they were being switched and tried on from Child to Child.

I didn't think we were expecting company for dinner, today!
But, apparently I had another Soldier to feed!
This crew, "The Pirates who don't do anything", were not invited to stay for dinner.
Instead, I had a Princess and her "Hero".

The Little Miss also had fun!
She is headed to Daddy's Office to get some "oohs", "aaahs" and a "wow" from him!


  1. Pretty stinkin' cute! Great shots Momma! Thanks for sharing your adventrues with all of us. Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  2. Dress-up is so much fun! Your kiddos look so cute!

  3. What fun dinner guests!! Do you think they'll come to my home for dinner tomorrow??


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