Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Almost Time To Write That Paper

What the world really needs is more love and less paper work. ~ Pearl BaileyIt is the scholarly research that I had to find for the 30 page Graduate paper.

Here are the books that I have finished either reading or skimming.

I am not feeling the love...


  1. Ugh. I do not envy you! I made good grades in school but I did NOT enjoy writing papers! When I finally graduated from college I was so glad to be DONE with that part of my life! Who knows, maybe I will go back some day, but at this point I am really glad that papers are not a part of my life anymore! More power to you, my friend!!!

  2. Hang in there! You can do this and it will be soooo worth it!!


  3. Wow! I don't envy you that job! I hope you can find some good quiet time to write!


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