Saturday, July 9, 2011

Little Legs to Run

"God made the little boys for fun, for rough and tumble times of play; He made their little legs to run and race and scamper through the day.  "~  Edgar Guest

The Little Man proved that he was serious to Beloved about training. All of May, he got up every day for weeks to run and in the evenings he was dedicated to bike riding. So, Beloved felt it was time to get him running shoes, shorts and shirts.

In June, the day came when we felt that the Little Man was ready to be entered into a running contest. I felt a Father/Son running event would be ideal. So, I entered them both.  However, when the day of the event rolled around we had such terrible rain showers with hail that we felt that they would cancel the event.  They didn't! But, this Momma wasn't going to let her baby run in bad weather and get hypothermia.

After a couple of weeks of camping with our focus being on hiking and biking, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when the Little Man came down early this morning all attired for his run! He had tiptoed over to Daddy's side of the bed and said, "I am ready for my run."

Beloved and I said at the same time, "Go back to bed! It is too early."

Beloved did eventually stir but I have no idea when. All I know is that by 8 this morning the house was fully in gear.

Later, I asked, "Did you go running?" Beloved put up 2 fingers! And, then explained he ran with the Little Man and then just as he was coming inside from the run to cool down, the Little Gentleman met him at the door in his running shoes too. And, so they had to go running again!

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