Friday, September 23, 2011

Catching those observations moments

"An observant child should be put in the way of things worth Observing." Charlotte Mason

He has caught...
 1 butterfly.
2 grasshoppers.
A wasp
 (which  I immediately let loose since I have no idea which Child is going to  be allergic!)

1 green caterpillar.
(which actually turns out not to be a caterpillar but is actually called a cabbage worm.)

The new magnifying glasses are getting a work out this camping trip.


  1. Love this! Isn't it just so exciting watching them learn new things? Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  2. OH fun! I love how he is so intent on studying them. We have one of those bug holder things and no kidding, every time we get it out we can't find one stinkin' bug! Any other time, we are getting blasted. Crazy. Have a great weekend.

  3. We bought the girls one of those bug kits several years ago and I think it has been one of the most used things we have any got. They still use it. Enjoy your day and God bless.


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