Thursday, September 22, 2011

Christian Living Books and Historical Fiction"Adventure" in Order

Imagination does not stir at the suggestion of the feeble, much diluted stuff that is too often put into children’s hands."  - Charlotte Mason

* Christian Slant Historical Living Adventure Books are somewhat in order of the Era.  Scroll down the book list. All books have links to them. This is  for my convenience so I can find them quickly and remind myself of the reviews. I do not get any pay for any of the recommendations links.  I have not read  all the books as well. We do History in order and this is the beginning stages of our homeschool. If you have any knowledge of any of the books please leave a comment. Thanks!

Ancient –  (3500 BC to 1000 BC)

Classic Antiquities  (1000BC t0 500AD)
Theras and His Town By Snedeker (Greek)

God King: A story of the days of King Hezekiah   By Joanne Williamson   (Egypt)

Victory of the Walls  By Frieda Clark Hymann   (Asia/Israel)

Beyond the Desert Gate  By Mary Ray  (Rome)

The Bronze Bow By  Elizabeth George Speare  (1-33AD around the life of Christ)  (Rome/Jerusalem)

Eagle of the Ninth By Rosemary Sutcliff   (Rome)

EARLY Middle AGES  (500 – 1000AD)

High Middle Ages  ( 1000 to 1300)

Big John’s Secret  By Eleanor Jewett

If all the swords in England   By Barbara Willard

Late Middle Ages  ( 1300 1500)  (No Books as of yet that I can find)

Early Modern Era  ( 1500 to 1700)

Madeline Takes Command By Ethel C. Brill 

Nascar, The White Deer : A story of Old Mexico  By Elizabeth Borton  De Trevino  

Red Hugh, Prince of Donegal By Robert T. Reiley

Modern Era  ( 1700 to 1950)

Old Sam, Dakota Trotter By Don A. Taylor

Post Modern Era  (1950 to Present)

Alvin Fernald, Mayor for a Day   By Clifford B. Hicks  

Secret Agents Four  By Donold Sobol

The Stranger Intruder  By Arthur Catherall 

A Long Way From Home  By Echo Lewis


  1. What a wonderful list! Although we don't homeschool, we do a lot with our children at home - and history is one of Anna's favorite subjects. ☺

  2. Denise, The Little Lady and I are reading out loud The Golden Gobblet. We are finishing up her Egypt Unit. I picked it up at a used book store for practically nothing. I would imagine the library has a few of them as well. Let me know if she reads any of them.

    The Bronze Bow was highly recommended, by the way.

  3. I am not familar with any of these but I will definitely check them out. Thanks for taking the time to post them. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  4. Hi Carman, Andrea here. One book for the late middle ages is Christopher Columbus by Genevieve Foster. Everything you ever wanted to know....and then some. I've got a box of books set aside for you. Bob and Debbie Gerstenberger send hugs along with us. Love to all.

  5. Carmen, not sure if you are aware of this link from the AO website
    I plan on using it with my dd to supplement history with living books.

  6. Mrs. Andrea. Can you please email me. I don't have your email address and your last email never got to me!

    Oh goody! Books! I adore books!

  7. Thank you Rosemary for the site! I will check into it. I have a little girl that is consuming books and I am reading just as fast as she is just to keep one step ahead of her! ;)

  8. Mrs. Andrea, Thanks! I now have it in my cue! I got to figure out how to get in contact with you! Hmmm.

  9. We loved Mara and the Mathmatician that measured the world! Such a great list! Definetly check out Ambleside Online. You won't regret it.


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