Friday, October 26, 2012

2012 Essay State Fair Competitions

"The essay is a literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything." - Aldous Huxley

The Little Man and the Little Lady were required to write essays for the state fair as a school project.

The Little Man entered the K - 2nd Grade State Wide competition. The question was, "What animal do you believe should win a State Fair Blue Ribbon and Why? Then, draw a picture." It had to be less than 45 words.

He came in second place!

His essay was on a rabbit.

He wrote,  "I think the biggest rabbit at the state fair should win a blue ribbon because the bigger the feet the higher he can jump. The larger the eyes the farther he can see. The longer the ears the better he can hear to obey."  

The Little Lady also received a participation ribbon. 
She entered the 3rd through 5th grade competition.
Her essay had to be on a competition event that is done at the fair that is connected to times past.
She wrote it on timed horse race competitions and connected it to the Pony Express.


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