Saturday, March 15, 2014

Catching up with Friends that I met in Korea

"Good Friends are like stars. You don't always see them but you know they are always there." - Old Saying 

I gave a little "shout out" that we would be camping for a little while during Beloved's military school. What came back to me was several messages saying, "Hey. We are here too!"  or "We are going to drive up (a couple of hours away) to visit you the weekend of...." 
 I love this about a lot of my friends!

 One of the "shout backs" was a friend who also home schools her children. She lives in Savannah, Ga.  Her husband is here for a school as well.  They did not camp this go around though. Instead, her husband and 3 of their 4 children have been in a hotel for several months.  We were excited to find out that they were in the area too even if it is only for one more week. 

We have known these friends for years. Beloved has known the husband for most of his military career. Heather and I met in Korea ten years ago.  This past week, Heather and her kiddos have come over twice to the campground in the afternoons to hang out.  The Children have been playing on the playground and riding scooters.  Last night, we all went to a Korean restaurant. None of my children have been to a Korean restaurant except for my oldest, the Little Lady. The Little Lady was born in Korea while we were stationed there.  

This little restaurant, outside one of the back gates of this military instillation, is actually in a real little house. When you walk into the house, you walk into a big open living room with 15 tables fully equipped with white table cloths, chop sticks, grills.  It is Korean home cooking! 
.... And, the owner is the ONLY COOK! She is also the ONLY server!  And, she is also THE cashier!
 (We arrived as a party of 12. Then, two more tables of 4 came in too. She was very busy.) 

Dinner:  Bulgogi,
 Terriaki Chicken 
with the standard sides of  Kimchi (fermented cabbage), Rice, and Sprouts.  

Our appetizer was Yaki Mandu. 
It does not come on a stick. 
So, we were smiling at the fact that she kept putting it on a chop stick and eating it. 
I think she must have eaten at least 8 of them by herself.
But, what made me crack up was the fact that to her "Yaki" sounded like "Yucky" so when we got in the car she said, 
"That 'Yucky' stuff was super delicious!"    

I am not positive but I think Heather and I are the only ones that ate the kimchi. 
After giving birth in Korea (in a Korean Hospital) and eating ox tail soup, kimchi, and mush rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for an entire week, plus all the other stuff that I ate while living there  during my pregnancy, I don't necessarily mind the stuff.  But, the smell brings me back instantly to the craziness of delivering my first born in a hospital where no one spoke English.  


  1. This is a very interesting tidbit of your life, Carmen.

    1. Mrs. Lisa. I get complaints regularly from those who have known me for years and years that I don't share enough of my "thoughts" and "experiences" on my blog and in conversations. Those that have known me all my life bug me about writing a book. I am positive people would think it was a work of fiction instead of real life.


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