Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Air/Space Annex

"Space. The final frontier." 

We did not get to hit the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in the downtown area of D.C.  It was a conscious choice on our part because we heard that the Smithsonian Air and Space Annex where they store  their air and space airplanes is more impressive to a Pilot.  So, we spent hours at the three story warehouse. Beloved was so in his element. He remarked several times how much fun he was enjoying everything.

This place is absolutely huge. This is the second story and only one small little area of the building.

 Air photography cameras through history.

Ultra Light. 
There is no way I would get in one of these - ever! 
Although, I know there are many that do fly these little cracker jack boxes. 

The boys were talking about how they could build one in the garage.

Look what we found in the Night Stalker Military section. 

This is the "Balloon section".  It was what was taken up to the edge of space. And, a guy now holds the record for the farthest free fall from it. 
It gives a whole new meaning to airborn!  

 The Black Bird. 
Flew across the US in an hour.
(This plane is huge and as you can see it is small compared to just one little section of one little hanger in the warehouse.) 

Space Suits through the years.
 Headed in to go see the SPACE shuttle. 
The hanger that holds all the Space Memorabilia.

Post Office Box - R2 D2
The next two plane pictures are specific pictures for me. 
 Beloved said,  "When I was a kid, I spent hours drawing them."

It was easy for me to take pictures in the Museum. I probably took over 50 or more. There was so much that was interesting to see. My favorite was seeing the different Pilot watches. I got a chuckle over them.

The Children road several simulators as well. So, that was also a fun thing for them to enjoy. 

And, it was super nice to see Beloved relax. 
He spent several days working plus balancing being a tourist while we did some road Schooling for the few weeks that we were in the area.

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