Thursday, January 29, 2015

Settling in the house.

The moving semi truck rolled in Friday.  (If you remember I showed a picture of it 2 months ago! It was huge and I packed it up.)  Well,  the crews began to unpack boxes and putting those boxes in each room.  We had boxes and boxes every where!  The crew finished unloading the truck that evening.  So, Saturday morning, we began to unpack boxes!  Then the next day we unpack more boxes and more boxes until I got to the point at which I was  unwrapping the paper and I could tell when I had unwrapped the item that some items I should not have kept.  Things I liked made me happy to unpack. Thinks I did not like made me feel like I wasted my time.  If I spent 20 seconds unwrapping the item, and when I got to it I was not thrilled about unwrapping it, that is a sure sign that de-cluttering needs to happen. But, then after 300 boxed items you get to the point of just hoping what you are unwrapping is not broken so you can just set it aside to come back to it later.


As groups of boxes were unpacked I would put things away.  Only to unwrap more groups of boxes!  The big things are not hard to put in place but the little things are so time consuming! The books were an ordeal.  This is the book closet and some containers and baskets that need a home still. (Homeschool books) 
  Then, as more boxes were unpacked more stuff would get scattered along the counters and tables and then I would spend time putting that stuff away.  Until finally I reached my stopping point!  I gave myself 1 week to unpack and I made it under that time schedule. Well, I need to put curtains in this house, re-arrange the garage and still work on the pantry once I go grocery shopping again.  So,  I do have a few odds and ends to still do.  But, really is a homemakers job every completely finished? 

The military post gave us a 5 bedroom house which I like very much! We are on a cul-da-sac. We have a 6 foot privacy fence as well. With a rock front yard and a grassy patch back yard. I will post picture another day of the outside.

There are aspects of the house that I don't like though but it is still functional.  I don't like the floors as they are going to be super hard to keep clean.  And, the cabinets in the kitchen are just not my style. They are not tall nor or they deep.  

Here is a peak to our new home!
My area rugs have not been put out yet though. And, I need curtains and blinds to be fixed! They come to fix the blinds tomorrow.  The rugs will come in from the store soon too.

Here is one of the bedrooms.  Remember, I still have to buy curtains!

Well, I guess that is it for checking in for right now !
Totally Exhausted! 
I met my goal in being settled in the house (totally unpacked) in 1 week ! 
Maybe we won't move for a couple of years. 
However, we probably will have some more camping business trips lined up some time in the future. 


  1. Your new home looks beautiful. I'm glad you got a 5 bedroom house. I am amazed that you got all that done in 1 week. You are a super woman! Thanks for showing us pictures. God bless.

  2. It looks so lovely! I'm so glad you are getting to the point where you can truly settle in. We love you!

  3. Your home looks lovely! Bet you are glad to get settled again! I definitely can relate there!
    Wishing you all the best!



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