Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In Search of Olympic Game

The Olympic Game Farm has been entertaining families for over 40 years. Many of our animals are veterans of the silver screen. For more than 28 years, the Olympic Game Farm worked exclusively with Walt Disney Studios and many others on features for theatre and television including: "The Grizzly Adams Series", "The Incredible Journey", "Charlie The Lonesome Cougar", "Beachcombers" and many more. ~ Olympic Game Farm Facts

Starting out on our driving tour at the Olympic Game Farm.

Well, Hello, Pretty Bird! Get out of my Picture, please.

He never did!

This is an Indonesian Blue Peacock! They were commonly used as an early warning against intruders or theives in the early Egyptian Era. The males have full blue color with full fanning tails, as the "peahens" are mostly gray with no color.

Sorry! I have a man!!

But, this girl can appreciate your beauty!

I am Bear-y happy to see you!

Kodiak Bears can weigh up to 1800 lbs. Kodiaks can run just as fast as quarter horses--up to 30mph.

Their average life span is 30 years in the wild.

Will you allow me to take a picture?

Such as a sweet pose! I fed him a piece of bread.

Beloved! Let me get a picture of this Roosevelt Elk since he won't move out of our way!

Before the Olympic Park became a National Park, the Roosevelt Elk's population was down to 400. People were killing them for their teeth to put on their belts.

They can live for 25 years. They can weight up to 1800lbs.

Their average set of antlers can weight up to 50 lbs and have 4-6 points.

Elk can run 28mph for long distances and 35-45 for short bursts.

Beloved, you better roll up your window.

He looks like he either wants to eat your mirror, the steering wheel, or you!

You really should listen!!!

He is heading in for a kiss!

He isn't going to leave until you give him something....

BELOVED!!!! We have ELK in almost all the windows!!

Please move the car foward!

Bison or commonly called Buffalo. They can weight up to 2500 lbs.

Their population was over 60 million and has dwindled down to just 50 thousand.

Buffalo were hunted for their hinds and their tongues for commerce and trade.

They are native to open prairies and woodland forest in eastern parts of the North American range.

WE WILL ROLL UP OUR WINDOW for the Bison, right?

I am serious!

I grew up in Alaska!

It seems a little unnatural with a Bison coming toward your car!

Beloved FINALLY did.

And, I am greatful.

The Bison licked my window and tried to eat my mirror.

Beloved took the car through a car wash later on!

A spotted fallow Deer with her fawn.

Unlike most fallow deer, spotted fallow have excellent eye site and are able to see motionless objects.

We went to the petting zoo area of the Olympic Game Park as well.

There we viewed more animals and spent time looking at the exhibits.

Skull Quiz!

Fur Quiz!

A quick "Goodbye!" was sent to this White Fallow Deer.

It was time to leave the animals and go get a little rest!

They obviously wanted to rest too.

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