Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ringing The School Bell

"Education is not the filling of a bucket,
but the lighting of a fire."
- W B Yeats

The Little Gentleman (age 3) is ringing the school bell.
(Not that we really ring it because the bell is from the early 1900's but it is a cute picture)


  1. LOL My first question was going to be "Do you really ring a school bell?" I probably couldn't keep it up every day but it's a good idea :) Enjoy your sciences, I just love Apologia!

  2. thanks for visiting my blog today! I enjoyed your list. love homeschooling!

  3. Thanks for dropping by today!
    I adore that school bell, that is so cool.
    I love your picks for science and history, that's what I love about homeschooling. We take what our kids are interested in and expand on it.
    Drop by anytime and ring that cool bell!

  4. Thanks for dropping by from the blog hop! We do have quite a bit of curriculum in common. I hope you have a great year! We are excited about ours:)

  5. So glad you stopped by my blog! I've enjoyed reading about your family and life. Happy to have found you.

  6. I'm always so intrigued and impressed with classical education! That looks like an awesome year!

  7. Looks like a great year for you. My husband also travels quite a bit for his work. I'm looking forward to being able to join him one day, as well. Looking forward to the flexibility that homeschooling brings, as well as just bring with my little ones more.

  8. This looks fabulous! I love that you are on the go, and relaxed but have a nice full schedule. Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

  9. Great to meet you! Love seeing how each homeschooler does things in their homeschool. Have a great day!

  10. I need to learn how to do school in a fun relaxed way. Also realized I have no extra curricular activities for my kiddo. Need to figure some of those out too. Thanks for stopping by!!

  11. I like how you said that your carriculum lookes like a lot but that you do it in a relaxed form. We are new down the homeschool road but have been mixing things I find on the internet and in the stores. We enjoy Leap Frog movies and have since our five year old son (the oldest of two) was little bitty, I think he was one or younger. They are fun movies that teach the phonics of letters. Our three year old daughter is on her way to reading as well. Our son can read just about anything he sees, when he sounds it out phonetically, English is goofy the way it isn't always what it looks like. I like the freedom and ease homeschooling has. Our five year old son can write his letters so we are working on clearity of penmenship (ie: we are tracing a lot *smile*). He loves to write words in his $.17 notebook any chance he gets. *smile* Our daughter loves drawing with colord pencils. *smile*

    Okay, as for responding to comments left for you ... I have seen it done a few ways, how you did it by leaving a comment over at my spot with your responce, leaving a comment at your own spot, or e-mailing. The first, the way you did it, was prefectly fine for me. *smile* Thanks so much for making the time to respond. I know days can be full for mommas so I appriciate it that you made the time to share with me. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  12. What a great list Carmen! Love the school bell picture, pretty cute!

  13. That sounds like a solid beginning for your little ones. I'm glad you can make it relaxed for them, though.

    You're so lucky to be able to do many museums! What a blessing that is.

    I pray you will have a wonderful year.

    Annie Kate


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