Monday, September 6, 2010

A 2 Sided Family Labor Day

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. - Labor Day Facts

Lake Malone State Park, Kentucy

We wanted to take the opportunity to celebrate Labor Day by camping at a State Park. So, Beloved reserved our camping spot over two months ago.

We had a very busy weekend of Hiking, Eating, Swimming, Play Ground Time, and a little chit-chat conversation. I don't think anyone got any naps but a few did get a little rest and relaxation.

It wasn't just us that went camping though!
Two weeks ago my parents asked,
"How are you celebrating the weekend?"
Then, a week out, Beloved's Parents asked,
"Can we come for the weekend?"

A few days before we weren't sure who was coming or when but by Friday there was 10 of us camping! Beloved's Parents came over from Tennessee and my Parents came up from Georgia.

Gigi (Grandma Glenda) and Grandma Joyce

Grandpa David and Papa Ram Rod

We also added special "glitz" by celebrating my Mom's (Gigi) and the Little Misses Birthday too.
Can you believe both of these girls were born on Labor Day?
Gig's birthday was born on Sept 4th on a Labor Day.
The Little Miss was born on Sept 7th which was a Labor Day.

Happy Birthday, Girls!


  1. What a busy, full, fun weekend!! Can't believe you didn't invite us to share the camper as well:)

  2. We have to make our camping reservations made for this coming Labor Day! Our favorite state park is so popular that you have to reserve a spot 6 months in advance.


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