Thursday, December 9, 2010

Marshmallow Bridges and Towers

"The road to success is always under construction." ~ Tomblin

4 bags of Marshmallows could only possibly mean we are going to do something outrageous! And, the Little Ones knew it because they kept asking what we are going to do with them. Finally, I got them out and gave the older 3 each a bag. (The 4th bag is for Hot Chocolate of course! The Little Miss wasn't apart of this project.) I handed them a box of toothpicks as well. Then, I showed them some examples of bridges and towers. And, I gave them the information about how triangles and squares work with in a structure and how it is important to have a wide base to support anything that they want to be tall. Finally, I sat back and watched their creativity and imagination connect.

Obviously, when building with Marshmallows there is going to be a good bit of eating going on too. So, this activity was planned around their snack time.

After they made their first structure, they were able to spend time making more structures if they wanted to do so. And, it was those structures that showed the possibilities were endless.


  1. This idea is officially STOLEN! I love it and I love the Little Ladies eyes in her second picture. Sooooo beautiful!!

  2. Steal Away, Mrs T. But, I expect to see some pictures!

    You can also do it with big marshmallows and spaghetti noodles. I didn't need any spaghetti swords at the table. ;)

  3. very cool! Thanks for sharing with all of us. Great job kids! Have a fun Friday, tomarrow. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  4. This is a wonderful project. You are so creative. I hope you don't mind if I borrow the idea. God bless.

  5. What a great idea Carmen!! I fear that in my house the marshmellows would disappear before a structure could be built! I might do this soon - I'll post pictures! Fun idea.

  6. Awesome creations! your children are adorable.
    Have a great night.

  7. Fun! Missing those kiddo's of yours!


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