Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Oh, Those Poinsettias

"Poinsettias, named for Joel Roberts Poinsett, are native southern Mexico and Central America plants, and can grow as tall as 16 feet. Legend has it that a young Mexican child could not afford to offer Christ a gift on Christmas Eve, so he picked some weeds from the side of a road, in the belief that even his humble gift, given in love, would be worthy. When the weeds were brought into the church, they bloomed into red and green flowers, which the congregation agreed was a Christmas miracle." ~ History of the Poinsettias

A couple of weeks ago as Beloved was headed out the door, I said, "Come home with some flowers." He came home with two poinsettia plants. Not exactly what I was thinking for a flower arrangement for the table but they are perfect for Christmas!


  1. Gorgeous poinsettias!! Chris did a great job of bringing you flowers!!

  2. Poinsettias are such beautiful plants...sometimes short lived but pretty.

    I used to work for a Plant Grower in Ca and one of our crops was Poinsettias...we would have about 8 green houses full of them...just a sea of Red!!...and yellow and pink and salmon :)

    I have a picture of me kind of crouching down low right in the middle of them :)

  3. So pretty :-)

    have a great night!


  4. Very pretty! My husband's grandmother grew them all year round in her home.

  5. Very pretty! They certainly brighten up a room. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  6. Oooweee, look at that. Nice picture and glad you are enjoying the brillian red flowers with your arrangement. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  7. The touches of red are so cheering, aren't they?


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