Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thrifty from my Grandma

It is a project that I put off for a long time. - Unknown
(The Quote is unknown but I am sure I have said it a dozen times!)

Before: This is a little yellow cabinet that my Grandma had in her sewing room. She used it for small sewing supplies. I think that it was actually painted to look old and distressed. If you look closely you can see a dark gold line which looks black around the drawers. I suppose it was painted on so it would appear to be an inlay?! The little cabinet had splotches and glops of paint on it too. So, it had to be lightly sanded before we got to work on it.

After: Well, in keeping with its original purpose, it will still be used as a sewing cabinet so now we can organize all of the Little Lady's fabric. As you can see, the cabinet has been painted maroon to go with the other items (maroon shelves and her bedroom quilt) in her room. (And yes, Maroon isn't a color I adore but it is what she likes!)

I am sorry about the three shiny spots of paint that are still wet. I didn't want to wait until they were dry to take a picture. But, I think the paint matches perfectly with all the other items. (Thanks Beloved!)

The Little Lady picked out the new black hardware. Simple.

While we were at it, we also painted her shadow box.

I had organized some pictures for the shadow box earlier. So, now it holds her flower girl head piece and pictures of her when she was in a friend's wedding. It will be hung on her wall.


  1. Both projects turned out beautiful!

  2. The little cabinet turned out very nice. I think mom had gotten it from a yard sale....not sure, but I know it was not new when she got it. Love the frame too...sweet memories. OK I am going to try to show some "after" (don't have any "before") pictures of my organized work space.

  3. Turned out so wonderful! Hope you are having a great weekend! I am starting an Education course this week. I'm looking forward to it, anything that's not math is good with me, lol!

  4. Carmen, I love the little chest and the fact that it belonged to your grandmother makes it even more special! Thanks for stopping by my blog and I'm certainly enjoying yours. Hugs, Glenda (goingtogoogoos)

  5. The cabinet is very nice. I had one similar to this as a young girl. I used it as a desk. Seeing yours made me wish I still had mine. Thanks for sharing. God bless.

  6. Both projects really turned out cute Carmen!

  7. That deep color makes it look like an old colonial piece to me. Very nice.

  8. My grandmother had a blue one just like this that was lost in a storage unit theft, I was so sad. I love the usefulness and beautifulness of such a great peice of furniture. May you have many more years of admiring it. I have more than 52 projects but maybe I will write them our this week and let you me encourage me in the path to getting the bigger ones done. Thanks.

  9. I am starting late, so bear with me as I organize! Thanks for the challenge! Btw... I love the cabinet!

  10. Just wanted to let you know I left an award for you on my blog!



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